选择区域/City: 北京/Beijing
楼盘描述/Estate description

Le Leman Lake Villa 莱蒙湖别墅

莱蒙湖别墅位于京顺路旁、温榆河畔,这里是京城开发最早、目前建设最成熟的涉外高档别墅区,聚集着近十个大型外销别墅项目,周边不仅有国际学校和高尔夫球场、马场等设施,一所现代化的国际医院也即将建成。从市区驾车可分别从机场高速、京承高速、京顺路等多条路线到达。该楼盘不惜以牺牲两亿人民币的销售额为代价营造莱蒙湖的湖面,并打破区内水景必定环绕会所而建的惯例,湖畔错落分布着数十栋大型别墅,充分发挥项目的亲水性。 幽雅的环境和完善的配套设施以及符合外国人生活习惯的室内配套,令楼盘的出租率一直保持较高的水平。
Le Lemon Lake Villa is located in Jingshun Road and next to Wenyu River, a foreign-oriented luxury villas project in capital. With nearly 10 other large-scale villa projects, there are not only the international schools and golf courses, racecoursesfacilities surrounded, but also a modern international hospital will soon be completed. Driving from the city to here, you have many routes to choose: the airport expressway, Jingcheng Road, Jingshun Road etc. The developer costs 200 million to create an artificial lake in this project.Dozens of large villas are scatteredly distributed around the lake, giving fully understanding of the name of the project.Elegant environment and completely supporting facilities will meet foreigners living habits, which make the rental rate remaining high level.
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