Orchid Garden 卓锦万代
卓锦万代所在区域发展成熟,属于北京知名的别墅区,周围垂钓、蟹岛生态度假村、北京乡村赛马场、北京乡村高尔夫球场、绿岛白帆俱乐部内保龄球、台球、壁球等一应俱全。 小区自己有会所,业主免费。专门邀请了澳大利亚设计师做的土地分配的研究。小区是现代简约风格,有分户壁挂炉等,街巷的感觉参考了北京的胡同的风格。
It is one of earliest luxury villa areas and is situated between the Wenyu River and the airport Expressway in northeast Beijing. 247 Villas, 97 detached and 150 Townhouse, Greenland occupies more than half of the property space. Over the past decade, it has been developed, section by landscaped section, and has become a villa area famous in Beijing for its luxuriousness.