GreenLake International / 观湖国际
国兴·观湖国际,不仅是国兴地产精心打造的卓越品牌,也是北京60项重点工程的点睛之笔,更是“中国第一道”北京新迎宾大道东四环段的标志建筑。 江山如此多娇,风景这边独好。当你翻开地图披阅北京,最赏心悦目的莫过于朝阳公园的硕大绿色。与这个亚洲最大的城市中心公园320公顷互为犄角的,是团结湖和红领巾公园。而在三大公园的环围之中,60万平方米的国兴观湖国际应运而生,12座出类拔萃的高档建筑巍然而起。当你寄语淡淡白云,当你瞩目蔚蔚蓝天,当你的畅想跌落于历史的厚重,当你的思绪飞扬着风景的灵动,也许你会凝然沉思,蓦然顿悟:似曾相识燕归来,国兴观湖曾入梦。
Green Lake International Apartment is a brand new and high quality complex near Chao Yang Park. It is suitable to live somewhat near other western expatriates. There are two beautiful lakes by manual work. It is located in the opposite of east of chaoyang park, north of east 4th ring road, between 4th ring and 5th ring road. The total area of Green lake Place is 256000sqm, the gross area of the north residential sector is 439,000sqm and the gross area of south part is 88,000sqm, which consist of 3 detached towers, from east to the west, there are A, B and C buildings.Chao yang park, Tuanjie lake and Young Pioneer park are nearby.